Improving Internet Access: An Explainer

In this explainer, we delve into the various executive and policy measures taken to expand India’s digital infrastructure and improve internet access. We have focused mainly on the National Digital Communications Policy, 2018, since it is is cornerstone of India’s digital infrastructure framework.

April 7, 2021 · 13 min · Rohin Garg

Statement on long overdue 4G mobile internet restoration in Jammu & Kashmir after 550 days #KeepItOn

No citizen of a democracy should have to suffer through what the people of Jammu & Kashmir experienced and we will keep pushing for broader internet shutdown reform.

February 6, 2021 · 6 min · Devdutta Mukhopadhyay

Bridge the #DigitalDivide: On chronic inequalities in internet access

Data from the 5th NFHS survey indicates that while internet access is increasing, a significant digital divide remains as a result of issues such as gender gaps and rural-urban gaps. These inequalities are also borne out by other government statistics and our conversations with stakeholders.

January 7, 2021 · 6 min · Rohin Garg

RTI responses from Andhra Pradesh and Gujarat show compliance failure with the Anuradha Bhasin Internet Shutdown decision

11 months on from the Supreme Court’s decision on internet shutdowns in the matter of Anuradha Bhasin v Union of India, there is still no compliance.

November 10, 2020 · 5 min · Anushka Jain

We wrote to the DoT about Odisha's internet connectivity issues #4GforAll

We asked them to ensure that the BharatNet Project, which aims to provide fast internet connectivity to the whole country, is operationalised according to pre-existing timelines so that these issues can be resolved.

September 9, 2020 · 7 min · Anushka Jain