FAQ on Internet Shutdowns

Keep Us Online > FAQ What are Internet Shutdowns? Internet shutdowns are an absolute restriction placed on the use of internet services due to an order issued by a government body. It may be limited to a specific place and to specific period, time or number of days. Sometimes it can even extend indefinitely. An internet shutdown may be limited to mobile internet that you use on smartphones, or the wired broadband that usually connects a desktop - or both at the same time....

March 19, 2017 · 6 min · Aravind R S

Keep Us Online

View the petition and the frequently asked questions. India had more Internet shutdowns in 2016 than any other country. State governments were able to shut down the Internet in different parts of the country, affecting millions of people. What’s worse is that these shutdowns happened on some official’s whim with no accountability or oversight. Internet shutdowns are not only a violation of human rights, they also cost India more than Rs....

March 19, 2017 · 2 min · SaveTheInternet.in Coalition

Email Test

Yes! TRAI has finally proposed net neutrality regulation! But there’s a catch. Big telcos are lobbying hard to kill any meaningful net neutrality, and to punch loopholes in last year’s pro-user regulations. They are very well organized and have deep pockets. Unless TRAI hears our voices loud and clear, and knows that lakhs of Indians are watching and paying attention, telcos will get their way. Help save the Internet one more time....

March 15, 2017 · 1 min · Aravind R S

Petition Test

India had more Internet shutdowns in 2016 than any other country. State governments love to shut off the Internet, supposedly to thwart everyone from protesters to exam cheats. Millions of people are routinely cut off on someone’s whim, with zero rules or oversight. This is unacceptable. Even for stopping riots — the official justification for most shutdowns — there is evidence that blackouts do more harm than good. Cutting off Internet access prevents innocent people from using the Internet to learn about trouble spots to stay away from, from reaching out for help and from making sure that loved ones are safe....

February 18, 2017 · 2 min · Aravind R S

Campaign Test Page

Yes! TRAI has finally proposed net neutrality regulation! But there’s a catch. Big telcos are lobbying hard to kill any meaningful net neutrality, and to punch loopholes in last year’s pro-user regulations. They are very well organized and have deep pockets. Unless TRAI hears our voices loud and clear, and knows that lakhs of Indians are watching and paying attention, telcos will get their way. Help save the Internet one more time....

February 15, 2017 · 1 min · Aravind R S