2021: New beginnings in digital security

2021 was an important year for us because we did a lot of new things. Over this short year end catch up on digital security, we’ll walk you through what we did, our achievements and disappointments, and more importantly what we learned and our path ahead in 2022.

December 30, 2021 · 5 min · Shivani Singh

Level up your digital security hygiene! Cybersec Charcha #5

Exploring the digital hygiene practices that must be implemented by everyone living in a digital world!

September 16, 2021 · 9 min · Shivani Singh

Cybersec Charcha: Conflicts, Nation-States, and Cybercrime

In today’s edition of Cybersec Charcha, we’ll be exploring the growing role of Nation State Actors in cyberattacks, some important headlines from the past month in the cybersecurity space and some expert advice that we received on the last edition of Cybersec Charcha.

June 24, 2021 · 6 min · Shivani Singh