IFF submits its comments on the Draft Approach Paper for creating a Digital Address Code

We have provided our comments on the Draft Approach Paper for creating a Digital Address Code, highlighting governance issues around geospatial data, data protection issues around the use of geospatial data, and potential surveillance and function creep challenges which will arise from DAC.

November 12, 2021 · 9 min · Rohin Garg

Explained: RBI's Account Aggregator Framework

The RBI’s Account Aggregator framework went live on 2nd September this year. The government has claimed that the framework will have a transformative impact on the financial ecosystem. In this explainer, we take a look at what this framework really is and highlight certain issues that may arise.

October 28, 2021 · 6 min · Rohin Garg

We wrote to the Department of Financial Services asking them to conduct a consultation on the E-Rupi programme

We wrote to the Department of Financial Services about the E-Rupi. We pointed out several issues such as surveillance and financial exploitation, the lack of data protection, and exclusion. We suggested that a consultation be conducted, and that data protection norms be specified.

August 30, 2021 · 7 min · Rohin Garg

Live and let Live: The Supreme Court releases draft rules for live streaming of court proceedings

The e-Committee has released draft rules for live streaming of all proceedings in all courts. We strongly welcome this step, and offer small changes which can further improve the Rules.

June 18, 2021 · 10 min · Tanmay Singh

Sound the alarm! The clock strikes for social media tomorrow with the Intermediaries Rules coming into effect.

Under the Intermediaries Rules, significant social media intermediaries had a host of obligations to comply with by the deadline of 25th May, 2021. The compliances that significant social media intermediaries are onerous and may stifle innovation in the Indian digital space.

May 24, 2021 · 9 min · Rohin Garg