We urge DOT to be a defender of digital rights. #KeepUsOnline #LetTheNetWork #KeepItOn #SaveTheInternet

We request the Department of Telecom to extend public victories on net neutrality and internet shutdowns.

December 18, 2018 · 3 min · Apar Gupta

An incremental victory in the Rajasthan HC against Internet Shutdowns #KeepUsOnline

While we can expect internet shutdowns in future, it will not be because of competitive examinations in Rajasthan. We thank the Petitioner, Dhirendra Rajpurohit.

December 4, 2018 · 6 min · Apar Gupta

Support parlimentary scrutiny against internet shutdowns #KeepUsOnline

Support advocacy actions against the growing problem of internet shutdowns across India by engaging parliamentarians. We have prepared a short brief to help you set out key facts, figures and arguments on the massive damage caused by shutting down the internet.

November 26, 2018 · 3 min · Apar Gupta

We demand disclosure on India's shutdown law #KeepUsOnline

Last week we made considerable progress in our mission to reform India’s Internet Shutdown laws. This work has been extensively covered by The Wire in an opinion piece titled, “The Worst Aspect of India’s Internet Shutdowns Is the Official Secrecy About It”, and “Jan Gan Man Ki Baat, Episode No. 271”. A Short Recap Noticing a growth in the frequency of internet shutdowns and constrained by the lack of movement for reform, on April 22, 2018, we sent a petition to several government ministries and the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO)....

July 7, 2018 · 3 min · Apar Gupta