IFF consistently uses the Right to Information Act to demand transparency and accountability from government authorities. Now these resourses are open to you!

The Right to Information Act, 2005 was enacted “in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority”.

You can read about some of the instances where we have successfully used the RTI Act to extract information below:

  1. Is the illegal use of facial recognition technology by the Delhi Police akin to mass surveillance? You decide.
  2. A look at Aarogya Setu through the Right to Information lens
  3. Mass Surveillance? You decide as per DoT’s RTI responses
  4. Delhi Police admits to using drones on civilians without any publicly available legal guidelines in place

Want help?

If you are a digital rights researcher, or are interested in achieving higher amounts of public disclosure on any issue that impacts fundamental rights and technology then reach out to us. We offer advice on drafting, or even filing ourselves and pursue all such claims to their logical conclusion. For help just ping us at [email protected]

If you want us to file an RTI for you, fill out the form below:

Here is a brief look at our extensive RTI tracker: