The past year has brought  extraordinary challenges for IFF. But with support from our donors and community members, we have met the challenges with resilience, innovation and continued impact. To continue meeting 2022’s growing challenges, we are counting on the support of our generous donors.

On October 1, 2021 the new RBI guidelines on recurring transactions came into effect and we faced a 70% drop off in memberships, shaving off 2.5-3 lakh INR per month. Our membership numbers have plummeted to 177 as on October 20, 2021 and we expect further drop offs as fresh signups cannot be authorised.

At this critical juncture, IFF needs your help.

We are expecting a period of six months for systems to stabilise and for us to recover IFF’s member base. At present to the many donors and members who are reaching out — we do not have any payment method that will not present technical difficulties for recurring donations. The only alternative is one time donations.

To overcome this burn rate, we have worked back from our estimated costs and earmarked a sum of Rs. 30 Lakhs that we need to raise by January 1, 2022. This is an ambitious target, and it will need all of our supporters to chip in with a one time donation.

​​Your support is more crucial than ever, to ensure that our mission** to protect and advance your digital rights **** keeps going during this time of great need. ** Your contribution will not only help us meet the challenges of the moment, but also allow us to continue to protect your digital liberties — with compassion, excellence and accountability. Fund digital rights. Fund IFF!

All the ways to help IFF better:

Donation Questions? Reach out to our fundraising team at [email protected]

Where are your financial transparency reports?

We believe in radical transparency and feel a sense of accountability towards all our donors. We want you to know what you’re funding. Here are our reports:

How else can I help?

We need all hands on deck. If you are an individual or organisation that is interested in our work, reach out to us. Join the Internet Freedom Forum and interact directly with the IFF staff and leadership. Get involved in sustained conversations on digital rights with the larger community. You can also write to us at [[email protected]]. We look forward to hearing from you!