Keep Us Online > Centre for Communication Governance

The Centre for Communication Governance (CCG) was established in 2013 to ensure that Indian legal education establishments engage more meaningfully with information law and policy, and contribute to improved governance and policy making. CCG is the only academic research centre dedicated to working on the information law and policy in India. It seeks to embed human rights and good governance within communication policy and protect digital rights in India through rigorous academic research and capacity building.

CCG has documented internet shutdowns in India from January 2010 till date on the basis of press reports. This data was used in the Supreme Court in the case of Gaurav Sureshbhai Vyas v. State of Gujarat. The tracker shows that Internet services have been disrupted at least 32 times in Jammu and Kashmir for a myriad of reasons such as the visit of the Prime Minister, an incident of communal violence and on days of national or state significance being celebrated. Gujarat and Rajasthan have cut-off access to the Internet in their states 9 and 8 times respectively. The North-Eastern states are also not far behind in terms of the number of times access to internet has been cut-off. CCG has supported the #KeepUsOnline campaign with a handy map of shutdowns from 2010 - February 2017:

CCG have published various op-eds and blogs on Internet shutdowns. These pieces comment on the need for having rules for Internet shutdowns, the legal and constitutional framework for shutdowns and the lack of transparency for shutdowns in various countries.

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