A lot of you already know about us having supported and being a part of the SaveTheInternet.in movement. Millions of Internet users speaking up for net neutrality and calling for the protection of our open Internet was a significant point for digital activism and policy-making in India. It showed that a large number of Indians care about the Internet and making their voice heard!

The Internet Freedom Foundation (IFF) hopes to carry on this work organisationally. But how? Read on.

  • At present we have incorporated as a charitable trust registered in Delhi. This is a transitory structure formed to get things going. In the coming months we hope to update our legal entity structure so as to enable wider, diverse, membership in organisational issues, improved transparency, and long term sustainability. IFF will strive to maintain a core ethos, of a transparent organisation which relies on a volunteer-led community. We will keep updating on this on our About us page.

  • We will focus ourselves on four broad areas relating to the advancement of user rights. These are net neutrality, free expression and fighting censorship, privacy and encryption, and innovation. We hope to collaborate with individuals, organisations and entities across the stakeholder and political spectrum to help achieve them. More detail on these areas can be found here.

  • Our future work will include supporting research and aiding policymakers, building campaigns and legal interventions, and deploying technology in order to protect users and advance the public interest. We are excited about the work we have planned in the coming months and would love for more people to join in. So join in to support, volunteer, and help us build IFF.

In the spirit of the day, we hope to advance our freedoms - and protect our constitutional values - by working for a free and open internet.

Happy Independence Day!

Apar, Aravind, Karthik, Kiran, Nikhil, Rachita, Raman, Rohin and the many others who make Team IFF possible.