In April, we corresponded with the Parliament’s Standing Committee on Information Technology when we learnt that it was conducting hearings on ‘Citizen’s Data Security and Privacy’, following the Cambridge Analytica revelations and the longer discussion in India around data privacy. Last week we learned that the Committee has through a press release taken up the citizen demand for public consultation [link].

Transparency is the cornerstone of any public consultation. We have written a fresh letter to Shri. Anurag Thakur, Hon’ble Chairperson of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Information Technology on this issue [link].

We have expressed our appreciation for a public call for comments, but also stated reservations and requested steps for the enhanced openness which in turn would strengthen this consultation. Apar Gupta, Trustee & Co-founder, IFF said, “The form in which a public consultation is held can broaden or inhibit public participation. Firstly, the time slot of two weeks is too short for the public and stakeholders for responding to the consultation. Hence, we have requested the committee to increase to a period of four weeks. Further, we have also requested them to increase the scope of consultation and make it more diverse. Lastly, we have suggested them the option of exploring the possibilities of making the hearing of the Parliamentary Committee reach to the public for a vibrant democracy”.

We urge all of you who use India’s internet to speak up and write to the Committee’s consultation on Citizens Privacy and Data Protection. This can be done by sending two copies of your memoranda containing your views/opinions (in either English or Hindi) to the Director (C&IT), Lok Sabha Secretariat, Room No. G-1, Parliament House Annexe, New Delhi-110001 (Tel Nos. 011-23034388/5235). The memoranda can also be e-mailed at [email protected] or can be faxed (Fax No. 011-23792726). We will soon share further resources to further help you in engaging with the issues of protecting your privacy and securing your data as you write to this Parliamentary Committee.

We request you to do your bit and be assured that Internet Freedom Foundation will leave no stone unturned to #SaveYourPrivacy.

Link to the letters

About us

Internet Freedom Foundation (IFF) is a non-profit organisation that supports and advocates for a free and open Internet. We are a group of volunteers from the movement. We come from all over India, from different backgrounds and fields, including technology, law, policy, design, journalism. We aim to promote the rights of Internet users – freedom of speech, privacy, net neutrality and freedom to innovate.


  • Apar Gupta, Trustee and Co-Founder (09990000256);
  • Rachita Taneja, Trustee and Co-Founder (07760052603);

Internet Freedom Foundation online: