In alphabetic order:

Aakriti Bhargava, Akshay S Dinesh, Amba Kak, Apar Gupta, Aravind Ravi-Sulekha, Arpit Agarwal, Ishan Sharma, Jafar Muhammed, Karthik Balakrishnan, Kashmira Chawak, Kiran Jonnalagadda, Mishi Choudhary, Mitesh B Ashar, Nikhil Pahwa, Nilesh Trivedi, Rachita Taneja, Raman Chima, Rohin Dharmakumar, Samarendra M Hedaoo, Santosh Kumar, Sandeep Pillai, Saptarishi Datta, Shine Nelson, Shrayas Rajagopal, Shreyas Narayanan Kutty, Srikanth Lakshmanan, Suhail Kazi, Surya Mechanical, Vashistha Iyer and several others who remain anonymous.

With support from All India Bakchod, MediaNama, Mozilla India, Reddit India, The Logical Indian and the various others who sent people to this website. Thank you.

This list only includes individuals and organisations who worked together behind the scenes on the campaign. We will add names as they confirm their willingness to be identified.

See also website contributors for and

We’d like to thank the million individuals who participated by submitting a response to TRAI, the many uncounted who referred people to this campaign, and the various other groups that ran their own campaigns. Thank you, all.