is live. is live. With the rampant website blockings being conducted by ISP’s, IFF has taken the step to activate the website. It includes a reporting tool and petition to take this movement forward.

March 18, 2019 · 2 min · Joanne DCunha

Keep Us Online Petition

Keep Us Online > Petition This is the full text of our petition. Add your signature to it. To: Shri Narendra Modi The Hon’ble Prime Minister’s Office South Block, Raisina Hill New Delhi - 110011 Dear Prime Minister, We are signing this petition asking you to — keep us online! India had more Internet shutdowns in 2016 than any other country. Recent research estimated this caused us a loss of more than Rs....

March 19, 2017 · 3 min · IFF Public Policy Team

Digital Empowerment Foundation

Keep Us Online > Digial Empowerment Foundation Digital Empowerment Foundation (DEF) is a New Delhi based social sector organisation that has worked extensively to empower marginalised communities to come online. Its work has enabled more than one million people from weaker sections of society to gain access to the internet. It has supported 5000 entities such as schools, libraries, heritage sites, micro-enterprises to leverage the power the digital world has to offer....

March 19, 2017 · 2 min · Aravind R S

Centre for Internet and Society

Keep Us Online > Centre for Internet and Society The Centre for Internet and Society (CIS) India is a non-profit organisation that undertakes interdisciplinary research on internet and digital technologies from policy and academic perspectives. The areas of focus include digital accessibility for persons with disabilities, access to knowledge, intellectual property rights, openness, internet governance, telecommunication reform, digital privacy, and cyber-security. Through its diverse initiatives, CIS explores, intervenes in, and advances contemporary discourse and practices around internet, technology and society in India and elsewhere....

March 19, 2017 · 2 min · Aravind R S

Centre for Communication Governance

Keep Us Online > Centre for Communication Governance The Centre for Communication Governance (CCG) was established in 2013 to ensure that Indian legal education establishments engage more meaningfully with information law and policy, and contribute to improved governance and policy making. CCG is the only academic research centre dedicated to working on the information law and policy in India. It seeks to embed human rights and good governance within communication policy and protect digital rights in India through rigorous academic research and capacity building....

March 19, 2017 · 2 min · Aravind R S