Calcutta HC stays internet shutdown issued by West Bengal Government

Calcutta HC has stayed an internet shutdown order dated 03.03.2022 issued by the State of West Bengal. The HC was of the view that the order was not issued by a competent authority. The order was stayed in a petition filed by Ashlesh Biradar. IFF provided legal support.

March 10, 2022 · 5 min · Krishnesh

Digital Patrakar Defence Clinic is back again for October!

IFF in collaboration with FMP launched DPDC in September to provide pro bono legal assistance to journalists. DPDC will continue to provide pro bono legal assistance throughout the year. In this post we highlight who can apply for the Clinic, and the pro bono legal services offered.

September 29, 2021 · 4 min · Anandita Mishra