Improving Internet Access: An Explainer

In this explainer, we delve into the various executive and policy measures taken to expand India’s digital infrastructure and improve internet access. We have focused mainly on the National Digital Communications Policy, 2018, since it is is cornerstone of India’s digital infrastructure framework.

April 7, 2021 · 13 min · Rohin Garg

Thank you TRAI for recommending against internet licensing! #SaveTheInternet

In a victory for internet users the telecom regulator pushed back against some awful proposals by telecom companies to force online service providers for licensing, revenue sharing or breaking their encryption. We have written to the DOT to accept them.

September 28, 2020 · 7 min · Apar Gupta

IFF Writes To TRAI Reminding Them That Users Must Be At The Centre of Net Neutrality #SaveTheInternet

On June 29, 2020 IFF has shared a supplementary submission with TRAI on net neutrality monitoring and enforcement. The purpose behind this is to emphasise the importance of focusing on strong implementation and enforcement; and the centrality of public/user participation.

July 1, 2020 · 9 min · Sidharth Deb

We Write to DoT and TRAI to Improve Internet Access and Protect Net Neutrality During COVID-19 #SaveTheInternet

IFF has written to the DoT and TRAI suggesting that government interventions must look toward overcoming the digital divide, appreciating the importance of the internet and mobile services as an essential utility, and protect net neutrality.

April 24, 2020 · 8 min · Sidharth Deb

What the Block?! IFF has heard your complaints and is taking action #SaveTheInternet

IFF received multiple complaints of irregular website blocking by ISPs in Bengaluru and Hyderabad. The ISPs, namely ACT and BSNL, said they received directions from the DoT. Since this appears to be a network neutrality violation, IFF has written to the DoT and TRAI to look into it.

March 7, 2020 · 4 min · Sidharth Deb