Avoiding app bans with a nuanced policy approach #WhatTheBlock

The Government is looking to strengthen its stance on banning mobile apps. It is planning to come out with guidelines, flouting which any app can be banned. We feel that such wide scale banning operations undermine your digital rights. So, we wrote to them urging them to rethink the move.

August 4, 2020 · 5 min · Raghav Kaushal

We urge the DOT to unblock WeTransfer. Open up our RTI resources to the public. #WhatTheBlock

Popular file-sharing service service, “WeTransfer’’ has been blocked by a direction issued by the Department of Telecom (DoT). We have approached it to recall it’s order.

June 9, 2020 · 8 min · Apar Gupta

Legal notice to the Delhi Government to immediately halt CCTV installations.

As the Delhi Government begins installation of CCTV cameras, we write to the Chief Minister of concerns with its process and lack of safeguards.

June 6, 2019 · 5 min · Joanne DCunha